Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah, and Doris Lessing, The Four-Gated City

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah, and Doris Lessing, The Four-Gated City

Sometimes our most beloved books give us a sense of wonder, of escape to another world. But often our favorite books are those we count on to be honest with us. They sharpen up what we almost knew, but couldn’t quite name, and give voice, details, and presence to the questions we most need to understand. In both Americanah and The Four-Gated City, the protagonist is an immigrant, and so sees the society she’s in with a clearer perception, in many ways, than those born into its atmosphere and expectations. The passages here give us the pleasure of watching a couple of the most accomplished writers in history deeply explore what it means to have power, how people use their power in everyday life, how they conceive of their own lives, and what they will do for their children.

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